Thursday, April 8, 2010

I attended the 2010 Poet Laureate Program tonight and got to hear some wonderful poets reciting their own poetry and they just happened to also be WS/FC students. It was a real treat and they were all winners in my book. I was surprised that only three school board candidates (including one incumbent) attended. Thanks to all who made the evening possible!  Thank you, Forsyth Educational Partnership, WS/FC School System, parents, teachers, and, most of all, our student poets who had the talent and the courage!  The results of this year's competition have not been posted yet but information can be found at and you can purchase books of the poetry which was entered.

By the way, I have decided that the time has come to solicit small donations.  I am still planning to stay under the $1000 threshold through the primary but I may order some yard signs before then and we'll definitely have fliers for distribution.   You may send your contributions in the form of checks made out to "Norman Hill for School Board" to me at 201 Turnbridge Dr., Lewisville, NC 27023.   If you contribute over $50, I am required to report your address and occupation along with your name, so please provide that information or I will not be able to accept your contribution.   The check must clearly indicate that it is a contribution to my campaign.

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